Gift Tag is a digital book of holiday poems for young readers. A select group of poets were chosen to create original poems that were inspired by a photo. A collection of photos, each depicting a holiday image, were provided to the poets. They each selected one photo and wrote an original poem. The poems were limited to 10 lines and no more than 25 characters per line. Each poet wrote a brief introduction to his/her poem.
This collection features 28-award winning and acclaimed poets. The 28 original poems will delight young and old readers alike. The poems are clever, witty, funny and poignant. Jane Yolen tells the truth in “Thanks Giving.” Laura Purdie Salas compares the loops of a homemade potholder to close connections with loved ones in “We Are Woven.” She writes, “They hold on tight. / Like you and me / They fit just right! Amy Ludwig VanDerwater’s “Snow Gifts” reminds the reader of the simple gift of a flake of snow.
Robert Weinstock's "Xylophone" uses repetition and rhyme to give a humorous view of the never-ending plinking of a xylophone, other poems use rhyming couplets and interlocking rhyme schemes. An acrostic poem and abecedarian add interest to the collection. Jeannine Atkins uses alliteration in "Surprise." These are just a few examples of the wonderful variety of poetry found in this digital book.
The digital format is easy to use, very affordable and visually pleasing. The photos are sharp and vibrant and each picture is followed by the author's poetry connection and then the poem. A list of the featured poets is found at the beginning of the book along with information about the genesis of this book. Information and background for each poet is provided at the back of the book along with a link to each poet's website. Other information about the project and the photos are also provided in the last section. The digital format makes this book especially easily to navigate. In the table of contents any poet can be selected and the reader will go directly to that spot in the book.
Sylvia Vardell has titled this style of poetry written for a digital device as "kindleku" poems. Gift Tag is an excellent title because this collection is a gift to every reader who opens his or her screen to these poems. The collection is engaging and delightful and should not be missed!
Choosing just one poem is a challenge because there are so many in this collection for children to enjoy. One format that may be new to many students is the abecedarian where the words in the poem are in alphabetical order. Carole Boston Weatherford's "If You Stuff a Stocking" reminds us that there is such a thing as too much. Bring a stocking stuffed with as many items from the poem or appropriate substitutes as possible. Provide printed copies of the poem on half-sheets of paper for each student. Encourage students to share some of their family stocking traditions. (Some children may be unfamiliar with this custom and using a visual and talking about the Christmas stocking will help develop some background knowledge.)
Read the poem aloud to the children as they follow along and ask them if they can identify a pattern with the words in the poem. Allow time for discussion and reread the poem again. If children need help prompt them to look for the alphabetical pattern. Encourage choral reading of the poem. Some children may want to color the first letter of each word to reveal the alphabetical pattern. As a follow-up consider a shared writing experience with the class, allowing students to contribute words to create a class abecedarian poem about the holidays.
"If You Stuff a Stocking"
"w/apple ball candy cane
duck Etch-a-Sketch flag
gum harmonica iPod jacks
kazoo LEGOs magnet nuts
orange pick up sticks
quarters raisins Slinky
top Uno Viewmaster
whistle extraterrestrial
yo-yo & zills. A stocking
just might POP!"
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